Staidtreat BXW 125Hz

The Staidtreat BXW is a low-frequency absorption panel. It is tuned to 125 Hz and is meant to be placed on walls or normal or T-type ceilings. When tuned to 125 Hz, it works in the first harmonic of the Staidtreat BXA, thus exponentially boosting the absorption of basses when both panels are used together.

This tuned panel uses an open resonance chamber, which is combined with a membrane that was developed and calibrated to enhance its performance.

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Jocavi Staidtreat BXW

The visible outer plate is made of a porous and permeable mineral granulate which is highly absorbent in the medium and high frequencies, thus further widening the absorption range of this panel.

Technical Data:
  • Plate of pressured granulated minerals
  • Tuned to 125Hz
  • LF average absorption: 0.83/m² [>50Hz; <250Hz]
  • Fire rating: A2,s2,d0
  • Made of recycled material
  • Installation bars NOT included

Staidtreat BXW 125Hz

Staidtreat BXW 125Hz

BXW 125Hz