Quasimidi Sirius Repair:
Quasimidi sirius repair – a broken keystop and non functioning keys, sequencer issues, sticky buttons, this ended up as a complete overhaul.
We found gaffa tape that had dried out and left a mess over the battery and ribbon cables, many minor issues that needed sorting out as shown below.
The unit had been working off a 9V 1A power brick which seemed rather odd as the internal 5V regulator should see at least 10V to operate correctly. Anyhow this was replaced after bench power testing had it running on less than 9V ?
Once the majority of the works were completed it seemed that the presets and sequencer all worked fine. However, in actuality most of the potentiometers were not providing stable reference values and so sounds were crashing, values were jumping all over the place and once these were replaced it suddenly became this incredible synthesiser again.
Values could be adjusted as intended and held stable.
This thing is a small beast monster of a synth.