Ultima24 triple mass acoustic board

IsoUltima 24 is designed to provide excellent acoustic sound insulation with ease of installation.

The product is a pre-bonded laminate of 6mm Isofibre resilient acoustic felt bonded to a 10mm fibre reinforced gypsum board bonded to a 9mm thick moisture resistant T&G board.

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Supplied in handy sized 1200x600mm sheets for ease of installation, this 24mm triple acoustic composite board, when installed as part of a complete noise reduction system will enable timber and concrete floors to meet Approved Document E.

Please note: A resilient bar type acoustic ceiling will improve the above acoustic figures significantly.

For concrete floors. IsoUltima 24 meets the Robust Details for Floating Floor Treatment 5 (FFT-5), for constructions E-FC-1, E-FC-2 and E-FS-1.

ultima24 acoustic flooring cross section

Tested Performance of the Above Structure:
Airborne              Impact
DnT,w+Ctr=  48dB    L’nT,w=  60dB

Technical Data

Sheet Size 1200 x 600mm
Thickness 24mm
Weight 18.6kg/m2
Edges T&G